We believe that worship arises out of - and is a response to - the experience of God alive and at work in the modern world. Our world. Our real world.
If you would like to find out a bit more about Dancing Scarecrow, click the “About” link in the Navigation menu at the top of the page. You might also like to check out the Dancing Scarecrow blog.
Since we published Crumbs of Hope: Prayers from the City, we discover that we have written over 400 new prayers! So, Dancing Scarecrow will always be a work in progress! So we’ve added an update page - “What’s New” to help you to work out what we’ve uploaded since you were last here.
We want Dancing Scarecrow to be as useable as possible. We’ve sorted the prayers according to Theme and Genre (type of prayer). We’re in the process of sorting them according to the church year, and the seasons.
We have now added a search button at the top of the page. Please note that this is powered by Google and will take you to a Google page. However the results listed are all from Dancing Scarecrow. As always with search engines, it pays to think about your search - if you search for “God,” you may find rather a lot of resources!
Finally, we’ve added a page where you can easily find prayers written by friends of Dancing Scarecrow. If you would like to make your work available for others, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.
We have recently had a few problems with links not working. Tim has just spent over 5 hours trawling through the site and as of 30 May 2013, all the links should be working. If you do find something which doesn’t work, please get in touch–use the Contacts page if you don’t know us outside of the virtual world.